Here’s What Dermatologists Want You to Know About Cellulite

Here’s What Dermatologists Want You to Know About Cellulite - TheBlackPurple
What’s the worst thing about cellulite? Yes, it’s ugly, it gets us depressed and we can’t seem to do anything to get rid of it. But perhaps worst of all is the lack of hard scientific facts about cellulite. Most people’s understanding and perceptions about cellulite are, at best, misinformed. A lot of that misunderstanding comes from the industry that has grown around our desperate search for a ‘cure’ for cellulite. And right there is one of the biggest cellulite myths. It’s not something you cure, or should cure. In fact, if you absolutely cured your cellulite, you could be in for some serious health issues. The good people at Reader’s Digest recently spoke to some board-certified dermatologists about what they wished women knew about cellulite. In a way, we were happy to hear what they said because, in previous posts here on The Black Purple blog, we’ve touched on many of the points the dermatologists raised.

5 Facts About Cellulite That Dermatologists Want You To Know

1. What Really is Cellulite

Cellulite is any ‘thing’. It is the term used to describe the dimpled appearance of your skin. “Cellulite is enlarged packets of body fat deep beneath the skin pushed against the vertical connective tissue that surrounds fat cells,” says Dendy Engelman, MD, of Manhattan Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery in New York City. Cellulite mostly appears on your belly, thighs and butt, where the layers of fat beneath the skin are deeper than elsewhere on your body.

2. Almost Every Woman has Cellulite

“Cellulite is very common—93 percent of women have it!” says Dr. Engelman. So if you have cellulite, you’re definitely not alone.

3. Cellulite is Natural, Harmless and not a Disease

The Mayo Clinic says cellulite isn’t a serious medical condition. Perhaps the worst health issue that can come from cellulite is the self-consciousness it creates, which can contribute to depression, anxiety and lower self esteem.

4. Exercise can Help Reduce your Cellulite

Dr. Bruce Katz, MD, medical director of JUVA Skin & Laser Center in New York City, says "generally, the key to alleviating cellulite is weight loss combined with building muscle.” The correlation between exercise and cellulite is simple. Cellulite is caused by pockets of fat. Exercise burns fat, which would reduce the pockets that cause your cellulite.

5. What you Eat Affects Your Cellulite

Similar to exercise, what you eat affects how much fat your body produces. But the benefits of a healthy diet go beyond maintaining healthier weight levels. “Antioxidants and omega-3s can be a woman's best friend in fighting cellulite because they help break fat cells down and strengthen the skin and connective tissue, respectively,” says Dr. Katz.

The dermatologists mentioned a number of other points about cellulite around which there is some level of misunderstanding. This includes the fact that cellulite has a genetic component, that the structure of men’s skin means that they rarely get cellulite and, perhaps most importantly for your hopes and pocket book, there’s no known ‘miracle’ cure for cellulite. Tanya Kormeili, MD, a board-certified dermatologist says “while many treatments claim to be able to improve the appearance of cellulite, the long-term effectiveness of these treatments or their true efficacy is still being investigated. So, please, don't waste your hard-earned money on claims that won't really yield the results you want,”


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